sexta-feira, 27 de março de 2015


Today I went to an event at Theatre of freiburg. Was a debate (I forgot the name of that kind of model of debate), basicly about  how people perceive the situation of refuges in Germany and bring solutions for that. Was quite interesting.Me Laurence and Sophie sit togheter as ''experts'' and every group of people had 7 minutes do discuss with us. They could ask us as we coud ask them.
A lot of them showed so much interest in how is our school as well.
Between the intereting people I met, I would mention one of the woman who approach us, and tell us about her job. He works with woman who was victm of abuse and works with children. She said about one situation when the school received refugee children (who had dark skin color) and the currenty children students showed so much interest about them, while the teachers showed resitance to put them together, once the chidren ''suposing didn't know how to deal with that 'new kind of people' ''. I was terrified, but happy to know there's someone who is open minded for that. Is strange when the anormalities become normal. That's weird.
Specially with children. If there's something which touch me is when you tried to play with the children minds or make them don't be children anymore. I am so fascinated how children are autentic and have natural curiosity. How they do not label people for beeing refuges, dark skin, sexual orientation, whatever.
And that mature sense of beeing adult, ''growed'', but beeing so drapped to the prejudices the society just impose to us, which one the what we acept passively.
Another thing which was really impressive, was the fact two guys, refugee from Syria just arrive tonight at Freiburg -without any shoes or boots- was there and both didnt speak any english or german, but even, they wanted be there to contribute somewhow to the discussion.
Another point of the discussion was about how the german law create a burocracy for them in a way the refugees have to wait so much for have access the same benefits as the ''normal'' citizens.
And I would say, Julia, the woman who invite us -who is an actress- seems really interesting person as well, once she is very experienced in Theatre.
I wish in Brazil I could have more of that kind of debate. I liked it a lot,
Listen diferent perpectives is always nice (:

Yeahh, now let's homework a little bit.

Soon I will watch a theatre play (which was a gift for our engament in that activiity). It is in German, but alright... I dont mind. German AB Initio #venimin (sorry, portuguese joke)

And tomorrow morning we are leaving for project week in Berlin! Yeyyyy. I still didnt pack my stuff- procrastinating- obviously.  And we will leave at 5 in the morning!! FIVEEEEE AAAAAH


Time to go.


terça-feira, 24 de março de 2015

Donkeys Care

Oh, I found that picture in my computer right now. Actually I should put since the winter break, but -for unknow reasons- I didn't!! Hehe

I took that one in my last meeting, before winter break.

Times when my school service was take care of donkeys. They are lovely. But we went there mostly to clean than be with them properly...

Now I am in the news paper. I am really glad about it as well.

Moment to refresh the memories.


Global affairs 24-03-2015. Relativism about sustainability.

Today we had a really interesting Global Affairs with Prof H. Schanz, Head of Environmental Governance at Freiburg University.
Freiburg is a wonderfull place to talk about sustainability, once it is really far away from the problems. Freiburg is wonderfull once it is in a ''buble of perfection development''. He talked about the destruction of the rain forest, and we talk about two differents perspectives: one about how the plantations destroy the enviromental, but in other hand, that plantations give people alimentation.
Sustainability is about ethic as well. Is about of moral conduct and values... What is more valuable, people who need food, or preserve the enviromental? Is it antropocentrical, driving to the human interests, or the other way back, driving the human to the nature, ecocentric?
It is clichê to mention how sustainability is basicly economical, ecological and social. But we forget to say how it is spatial and temporal, once the space and the time define the boundaries of the system. Is impossible talk about Rain forest ,for instance, without talk about what they do with the space -we could mention how is the use it to plantation of soy- and what is going on on the comunity and government interests to produce more soya in that specific season.
Sustainability is not about harmony, it is about conflict. Is about relativism. Is about expansion of that 5 dimentions and trying to figure out what each of us can perceive.
Sustainability is about equality, but mostly about considering we are not equal and we should be aware about the diferents social interpretations for that. Sustenabiliy is about relativism, not fatalism.
We did a dinamic: who consider non-western country went to the right of the stage and who consider themselves western, went to the left. After the guy asked for the first color, furniture and flower we had in mind. Later he asked who choose red, chair and rose for the western ones and after for the non-western ones. Many raised their hands, what meas even the ''no developed'' world has similarities with the ''developed one'', and basing our priorities and values -what means the first thing which come to our mind- we could say definitely how diferents we are! How we do need understand the diferences between ourselves and the diferent perspectives about sustenability.
We fight for equal rights, but considering people are not equal.
I liked so much the first question, made by Elias -from Germany- which was in diferent words: ''If sustainability itself depends of so many points of view, how can we know it is a good/reliable thing?''
The main point of the anwser was: ''Sustenability is not about right or wrong, but about adjustment.We should not look for the right definition of it, but how did the comunities, countries, whatever, come to that concept. And that way we can consider all the problems, the ones which concerns to different realities''

I liked so much that cartoon which one was included at the presentation as well!!

terça-feira, 10 de março de 2015

CAS 11-03-2015

Today was a such amazing day.
Starting by the CAS. Yarden had a appointment and couldn't go. She wasn't feeling that good. I went alone and worried about her. Now she is okay. But well...  I took the wrong train. It made me annoyed and hopeless to find the right place. But I come to the city. Find someone else who help me to find the ''right way''.
Well, I arrived 15 minutes late. Apologize for miss Anja. I felt she was disappointed about that. I explain everything and we get okay after.

But well, as usually, we did the warming up in the begginig. But afterall they was so energetic and without any concentration to do anything else. So... Anja did something special. Ask them to simulate a sleep moment. And after she turn off the lights -but it was still enlightened, once the lights outside reflect inside of the room-  and start to include in the narrative monsters, pirates, a lot of wind and sea water... (It was a begging of our future play we want to do in that term yet)
They start to be in the vibe. And after they get up and start to simulate as they wore in a pirate boat.
She didnt order: ''oh be the pirate, or be.. blablabla.'' No! They just assume their own caraters in a magic and inocent way. But they played sooo well!! I was really impressed.
I felt like they have the ''inner carater''. I felt it was magic, but kind of sad as well. One of the children said: ''oh, I am the mouse'', while another one said ''I am the capitan''. Who decide who is who? I mean, why society, parents, friends, whatever, told them that?

I was fascinated how theatre can oppen the sub-cousiousness so easily. But kind of frightened about how it can just make people assume stereotipes.
I hope during that time we can work on that. We be able to change their perspectives about themselves, and the girl who easily just wanted to be the mouse, be brave to somehow, brielfly perform the queen.

I am extremelly excited about my CAS. I am happy to didn't regreat to go there. Happy to work with Anja, Yarden. Happy to learn so much.

Thanks God for that <3

ps: well, we had global Affairs as well, and I would like to talk more about in next posts.ANYWAY It was awesome. Speacially about the division of the time and how we had tree speeches, a lot of funny inprovisational plays (IT WAS SO COOL)  and time for debate as well.

Pretty nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sábado, 7 de março de 2015


Sim, com licença.
Eu preciso dizer de como tem sido meu dia hoje.
Sim, hoje é meu aniversário e tenho mais 50 minutos antes que o dia acabe. Pelo menos antes que o dia acabe aqui na Alemanha. No Brasil ainda tenho mais 4 horas antes do fim do dia.

Mas sim... Meu dia foi ótimo, Tivemos MUN conference. Assim que cheguei as pessoas começaram a cantar parabéns. Cantaram durante o almoço também. E depois tivemos Cas. Era pra ser futebol. Mas pelos primeiro trita minutos jogamos vôlei. Foi muito reconfortante. Sinto tanta saudade de alimentar o meu verme. Mas depois Sophie (from germany) deu aulas de futebol para nós todas. Às 8 tivemos o bonfire.
Tivemos muitas apresentações artísticas. Poemas, monólogos, músicas. E cantaram meus parabéns um tempo mais. Detalhe: em português e em inglês.
Foi uma noite e tanto.

Depois recebi de minha co ano portuguesa o desenho mais bem feito que vi em toda minha vida.
Vou postar a foto aqui:
nota: *Ela é uma das pessoas mais incríveis que eu já conheci, não só pelo que ela faz (canta, dança, pinta, desenha, toca, encena etc......), mas por quem ela é*

Depois voltei a casa. Chequei as mensagens do facebook. Tantas mensagens que me fizeram lembrar meus amigos. Sentir um pouco de saudade de como eram os velhos tempos. Não chorei, não senti necessidade. Mas senti a atmosfera de tê-los comigo. Senti profunda gratidão.

Hoje estou com minha hostfamily. Eles me deram chocolate suíço (ah como eu amo eles) e há pouco cheguei de um restaurante italiano. Comi uma pizza de ''peixes''- incluía camarão, lagosta, atum, ostra. Tudo de bom! Depois de 6 meses longe do mar, foi mais que um presente.

Agora tenho que ''homework''

UWC life is not easy.


ps: o texto está atemporal pq comecei a escrever ontem, mas estava muito cansada e só terminei hoje. hehe

quarta-feira, 4 de março de 2015

Hoje estávamos praticando musical Rent, que será brevemente apresentado a todos em nossa escola. E estava tão frio. Tá que eu usava bailarinas e um casaquinho tão fraco. Fiquei perto do aquecedor, quando minha colega Tirsa da Holanda notou o cartaz que estava na porta. Era sobre o winterball. Foi no dia 7 do mês passado. Como assim? Foi tipo ontem.
E eu fiquei pasma. Sem acreditar que parece que o tempo ta correndo e não faz nenhuma questão de parar um pouquinho.
Tenho mais uns oitenta e poucos dias de UWC. Que insano!
Faz um tempo que não escrevo aqui.
E muitos dos eventos eu acabei por não postar.
Eu vivi bastante cada um deles. Então.. sem mais delongas... Eis aqui as figuras:

Dia de neve:

 Teatro grego:

Aula de teatro no bom sol que apareceu nos ultimos dias :) (Vemniminprimavera)

Apresentação de AIDA pelo grupo de teatro musical:

 Hoje nossa classe de teatro inocente(as melhores quartas <3)
 Hoje nossa classe de teatro seduzindo