Eu escrevo ontem porque ocorreu a exatamente uma hora e vinte e seis minutos atrás.
Foi o aniversário de Micaela. Foi um dia de abençoados 13 graus celsius. Uma tarde de vôlei. Sim, não poderia ser melhor.
Nós fomos a um restaurante mexicano e a comida estava maravilhosa. A música ambiente era latina, portanto eu gostei muito.
Estou muito satisfeita como meu espanhol te avançado tanto aqui. Praticamente consegui entender tudo o que meus amigos latinos disseram!!
Bem... depois da comida, Andrés, Juan e Tomi correram contra o tempo pra comprar algumas cervejas -pois aqui na Alemanha as 11 da noite encerram de vendê-las.
Enquanto isso paramos perto dos trilhos de trem, num canto não muito movimentado da rua e começamos a brincar de 'ninja'. Cada um tinha que acertar o braço do outro. Ataquei Luigi e Tony com muita força- prometo ter mais cuidado no próximo tempo hehehe.
Outra coisa muito interessante que desobri hoje é que nos restaurantes Alemães raramente aceitam cartão de crédito para pagar a conta. Eu só tinha meu sparkasse... Então fizeram uma vaquinha pra mim e no fim das contas tudo foi pago. Mas em seguida eu tive que ir ao banco, então a cambada toda se moveu ao banco comigo. E começaram a vibrar e torcer enquanto eu tirava o dinheiro do caixa. Foi tão embarassing hahaha mas muito divertido!!! E depois outra pessoa do grupo fez o mesmo e todo mundo começou a vibrar de novo hehe, e depois uma pessoa estranha foi usar a conta dela e fizemos o mesmo de novo hahah!!
Depois de comprar as bebidas, estávamos no meio do caminho ao longo do Dreisam para o colégio-mas obviamente ngm ia beber no colégio porque é totalmente proibido- quando ouvimos umas canções alemãs superfamiliares. Era Leon com seus speakers debaixo da ponte do rio. Nos ''aprochegamos'' como eu diria no velho e bom brasilian-nortest-portuguese. E então algumas pessoas beberam, outras dançaram, outras conversaram, outras fumaram... Mas eu acredito que independente do modo como, todos tiveram diversão.
Pessoalmente eu não bebo. Mas isso é coisa particular de uma filosofia de vida que eu mesma decidi.
Depois voltamos ao colégio, cantamos os parabéns com um bolo, dançamos um pouco de música latina e agora estou aqui às plenas 1:38 digitando esse texto haha.
Dia memorável.
Feliz cumpleaños Micaaaaaaa
sexta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2015
quarta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2015
Global affairs
17- 02- 2015
Today we had global affairs and it was about what alimentar habits and the influence of the meal in the real life. Charles Barstow was the guest-He has studied anthropology, botany and philosophy and now works as a butcher on an organic farm in Vermont in the United States. He is also a graduate of UWC-USA '08- divided ourselves in tree groups for debate. I was in the group about:''should the meat be totally forbiden?''. In a circle, we could discuss about several points, as: food chain (during the transmition of energy the animals lost their energy, what mean we should just eat the productor, become vegetarian); the terrible way how the animals die in the butchers; meat is not essential; cows produces a lot of metane, gas responsible for climatic challenges; a lot of hormones they give to the animals which make the meal even bad for us.
solutions for avoid the consumption:
-Increase the prices of the meal.
Favorable to the consumption of meal:
We could eat, but under control;
There's a lot of other cruelity, as using the enviromental to produce clothes, so... even people become vegetarian, we still have problems with destruction.
-Vegetables must be consider a life as well, even if they don't have nervous system, they should be respected.
But I would say one of the most impontant moments was when Varsan- from Somalia- said about the history of her country. How people have no option and they need deeeply to work with meat for keep their economies. And the question was: in many parts of the world people are just saying how they don't want to eat meat and even force others to dont, while in many countries it is so essential?
Today we had global affairs and it was about what alimentar habits and the influence of the meal in the real life. Charles Barstow was the guest-He has studied anthropology, botany and philosophy and now works as a butcher on an organic farm in Vermont in the United States. He is also a graduate of UWC-USA '08- divided ourselves in tree groups for debate. I was in the group about:''should the meat be totally forbiden?''. In a circle, we could discuss about several points, as: food chain (during the transmition of energy the animals lost their energy, what mean we should just eat the productor, become vegetarian); the terrible way how the animals die in the butchers; meat is not essential; cows produces a lot of metane, gas responsible for climatic challenges; a lot of hormones they give to the animals which make the meal even bad for us.
solutions for avoid the consumption:
-Increase the prices of the meal.
Favorable to the consumption of meal:
We could eat, but under control;
There's a lot of other cruelity, as using the enviromental to produce clothes, so... even people become vegetarian, we still have problems with destruction.
-Vegetables must be consider a life as well, even if they don't have nervous system, they should be respected.
But I would say one of the most impontant moments was when Varsan- from Somalia- said about the history of her country. How people have no option and they need deeeply to work with meat for keep their economies. And the question was: in many parts of the world people are just saying how they don't want to eat meat and even force others to dont, while in many countries it is so essential?
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