17- 02- 2015
Today we had global affairs and it was about what alimentar habits and the influence of the meal in the real life. Charles Barstow was the guest-He has studied anthropology, botany and philosophy and now works as a butcher on an organic farm in Vermont in the United States. He is also a graduate of UWC-USA '08- divided ourselves in tree groups for debate. I was in the group about:''should the meat be totally forbiden?''. In a circle, we could discuss about several points, as: food chain (during the transmition of energy the animals lost their energy, what mean we should just eat the productor, become vegetarian); the terrible way how the animals die in the butchers; meat is not essential; cows produces a lot of metane, gas responsible for climatic challenges; a lot of hormones they give to the animals which make the meal even bad for us.
solutions for avoid the consumption:
-Increase the prices of the meal.
Favorable to the consumption of meal:
We could eat, but under control;
There's a lot of other cruelity, as using the enviromental to produce clothes, so... even people become vegetarian, we still have problems with destruction.
-Vegetables must be consider a life as well, even if they don't have nervous system, they should be respected.
But I would say one of the most impontant moments was when Varsan- from Somalia- said about the history of her country. How people have no option and they need deeeply to work with meat for keep their economies. And the question was: in many parts of the world people are just saying how they don't want to eat meat and even force others to dont, while in many countries it is so essential?
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