Today was the interfaith day in our school...
I am in a serious mood right now... So, let's use it ;)
I don't have words to describe what I could learn today. If It could be possible, I'd like to use a camera and register every single moment again just to make sure I didn't lost any part of me rememberings.
But now I will try to keep it fresh.
Yesterday me and Kelao started to prepare at 8 pm. Was 2:30 in the morning of today and we didn't do anything. Just a little bit of insipiration. But not that much.The ideas looked like never will come anything new or important. We kind of fight with each other: how could be so hard the task to talk about what more inspire our lifes?
I was draped in the concepts. I woud like to explain what the christian religion means. Or take historical concepts. But Kealo said: Thaíza I don't want to do something just for give informations!! God should be more than wikipedia. God move inside our hearts! He lives! If it is not for inspire, please, let's finish it right now.
And It was a big ''slap'' of the reality in my face. I was not loving God anymore. Bascily profecing something I was not living actually. And I felt like God was not inspiring anymore. I didn't have the desire to read his word. The desire to be paixonated for him. The desire to pray and dont let his presence anymore.
Maybe the crucial point of my day was that. Was remember how I didnt remember my Jesus friend. Remember how that God is amazing. Remember the old times.
I apreciate so much the testimonies. All of them, so interesting. Some more personal, some more informational. I liked so much when Rizwan said: ''you cannot put the world in your box of religious view, instead, you should use the world to see your religion''. He was refering to the terrorism. I like so much May's testimony: I could learn so much about her religion and meditation spaces.
I liked the Sylla's meditation, even I couln'd concentrate myself properly (couldnt stop to think about the testimony thing).
During our workshop, basicly we wacthed a video about God like an architect of our lifes. And another one about ciency X religion.The debates make me think a lot and carry so many questions. And in the same time to reflect about concepts about christianity I have lost for long time...
I realize how much more time I should expendo with God and enjoying his presence.
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