quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2015


I have a lot to do. But first I want to collect my impressions about the last two days. Actually I still need to finish to write about what happened las weekend when we had futball match and after we had one guy who do activist based on paints. So cool!! We had a whole workshop jut to try to figure our what he was trying to say using his images. Well, I am gona do a individual post just to explain better how that one works.
Remember when I said people who playied against us in Bosch Stifftung invite us for a dinner? (did I say that?) Anyways... We could not go last Sunday but we was luckely ''re-invited'' and we went yesterday. Was so nice. Paulina, our dear FSA, bake a cake for them. Freiburg is a such cousing city. I always new that, but I think yesterday I had that ideia more solidy in my mind. Going to their house I meet the same guy biking I met at Kebab House days ago which one helped to buy the Kebab, once the seller didnt speak any english. They prepared so many breads with a delicious cover with meal and vegetables. Afterwords we went to one space to play ball two minutes faraway from the house, closed to one big church -I do not know the name, just the one a usualy see when I am going to CAS. We played volleyball until meet some guy who was playing basketball alone and he invite us to join him as well. We played and after come back to play volleyball againg. Now with him. And finally we played futball. Was crazy. All the time was raining so badly and I borrowed Selina's book without she knows that... Hhaha Soo... It get a bit distroyed afterwords...
We come back to have some desert and played games until 15 minutes to check in. Was a really really great time!!
I enjoy it so badly :)
And how before the meal they prayed, I felt confortable to ask their religion. They are protestant and invite me to go to church today!! :) 

Nice people! Are at my list to invite to our Theatre performance in the end of his term. 

I am gonna miss eversing thing here at Freiburg, I swear... That little and happy moments are always the best ones. Always the one that builds the UWC experience.

domingo, 19 de abril de 2015


Today was a interesting day. We had our second uwc robert bosch match. Was pretty good We win!!! \o/ A lot of perople didnt come cause many was studing, many was tired, many was in Colone to the German ab initio exibition. Personally I ''played'' two times. The first time I played was like 5 minutes and I even didn't touch the ball. haha. Second time was the last 5 minutes and I touched the ball two times. Uhul \o/
The guys really really play well. Oh my gosh. Hard to say who played better. I would emphasize: Nana, Micha, Zawer and Gerardo. They save most of the balls!! 
That's a picture of our ''strong team'' haha
We played against the Robert Bosch fundation. I hope they are still nice with us :-)
After we had lunch together and tree of them invite me, Geeta, Yassir, Biruk and Wisdom to go to dinner tomorrow, So nice of them! I really want to go even tought the exam week coming is a bit scary somethimes...

Afterwords I went to chemistry help and later to the library opening. We had music and we did little drawing and book mark. 
The last point of the day was about 
ARTS \o/

quarta-feira, 8 de abril de 2015

Female objetification

There’s two perspectives for objetification. The objetification metaphore: when we consider the object and subjet of one phrase, refering to male as object means she is considered in a secondary perspective. And the second perspective, we could say how women is considered object and not as a human. Both of them have been poisoned the way how woman see themselves.
We are surround by several signals of that objetification which puts woman in second round of importance. First we would say: the difference between the way women and men are portrayed in national newspapers and other media is stark - women are too often reduced to the sum of their body parts, heavily Photoshopped to fit into an ever narrowing ideal of female beauty. Men: Sexy pictures of men, in contrast to sexy pictures of women, frequently portray them as sexual subjects, actors exercising their sexuality, instead of objects meant to gratify someone else's sexuality. And for woman is even harder, considering we see men’s magazines with scantily clad women, and we see women’s magazines with scantily clad women. Basicly that how they are selling  the idea that this is how we get our value, becoming the ideal sex object.
And I would say, the sexual objetification is simply the most visible part of objectification, once we have gramar predominance: male pronouns dominate our speech and ideas in everywere. And what about sexist expressions as ‘’he drives like a girl’’, ‘’he is fragile as lady’’. There’s a research about the Tomb Raider game which says people don't project themselves into Lara Croft's character," that they think "I'm going to this adventure with her and trying to protect her’’. And we still have to survive to stigmas like everyone looks at it from his point of view: ‘’of course she was abused, he must have been confused by her signals’’, ‘’of course he couldn’t resist, look for the clothes she was using’’. And in my opinion the worst thing is even even good men, when speaking out against violence against women, tell other men to imagine her as "somebody's wife, somebody's mother, somebody's daughter, or somebody's sister," it never occurring to them that maybe, just maybe, a woman is also "somebody", another human.
Now refering to objetification for consider woman just for their external appearence, even if woman could fits perfectly inside of the perfection standard of beauty. Against the general mentality, I believe it can’not be empowering. Why? When we’re talking about sex objects, we’re talking about dichotomies., We think of black and white, yes/no, two opposing categories. When we’re thinking about sex objects, we’re thinking about the object subject dichotomy. Subjects act, objects are acted upon.
Even if you become the perfect object, the perfect sex object, you are perfectly subordinate because that position will always be acted on; so there’s not power in being a sex object when you think about it logically.
Beyond that, this idea that sex sells, I like to challenge that directly because the fact is if sex sold, most women are heterosexual and we are sexual beings, so why wouldn’t we see half naked men everywhere in advertising? To men, they’re being sold this idea constantly that they are sexual subjects. They are in the driver’s seat. It makes them feel powerful to see images of objectified women everywhere. They can fell free to use expressions as ‘’I could fuck her’’ as na offense.

            When we will be able to behave as human beeing, looking at eyes of each other without live in a word which accpetpt passively that invisible social rules? I hope our society be able to perceive that and be much more aware about woman right. It is not about superiority. It is about equality. About freedom. About human beeing.There’s two perspectives for objetification. The objetification metaphore: when we consider the object and subjet of one phrase, refering to male as object means she is considered in a secondary perspective. And the second perspective, we could say how women is considered object and not as a human. Both of them have been poisoned the way how woman see themselves.
We are surround by several signals of that objetification which puts woman in second round of importance. First we would say: the difference between the way women and men are portrayed in national newspapers and other media is stark - women are too often reduced to the sum of their body parts, heavily Photoshopped to fit into an ever narrowing ideal of female beauty. Men: Sexy pictures of men, in contrast to sexy pictures of women, frequently portray them as sexual subjects, actors exercising their sexuality, instead of objects meant to gratify someone else's sexuality. And for woman is even harder, considering we see men’s magazines with scantily clad women, and we see women’s magazines with scantily clad women. Basicly that how they are selling  the idea that this is how we get our value, becoming the ideal sex object.
And I would say, the sexual objetification is simply the most visible part of objectification, once we have gramar predominance: male pronouns dominate our speech and ideas in everywere. And what about sexist expressions as ‘’he drives like a girl’’, ‘’he is fragile as lady’’. There’s a research about the Tomb Raider game which says people don't project themselves into Lara Croft's character," that they think "I'm going to this adventure with her and trying to protect her’’. And we still have to survive to stigmas like everyone looks at it from his point of view: ‘’of course she was abused, he must have been confused by her signals’’, ‘’of course he couldn’t resist, look for the clothes she was using’’. And in my opinion the worst thing is even even good men, when speaking out against violence against women, tell other men to imagine her as "somebody's wife, somebody's mother, somebody's daughter, or somebody's sister," it never occurring to them that maybe, just maybe, a woman is also "somebody", another human.
Now refering to objetification for consider woman just for their external appearence, even if woman could fits perfectly inside of the perfection standard of beauty. Against the general mentality, I believe it can’not be empowering. Why? When we’re talking about sex objects, we’re talking about dichotomies., We think of black and white, yes/no, two opposing categories. When we’re thinking about sex objects, we’re thinking about the object subject dichotomy. Subjects act, objects are acted upon.
Even if you become the perfect object, the perfect sex object, you are perfectly subordinate because that position will always be acted on; so there’s not power in being a sex object when you think about it logically.
Beyond that, this idea that sex sells, I like to challenge that directly because the fact is if sex sold, most women are heterosexual and we are sexual beings, so why wouldn’t we see half naked men everywhere in advertising? To men, they’re being sold this idea constantly that they are sexual subjects. They are in the driver’s seat. It makes them feel powerful to see images of objectified women everywhere. They can fell free to use expressions as ‘’I could fuck her’’ as na offense.
            When we will be able to behave as human beeing, looking at eyes of each other without live in a word which accpetpt passively that invisible social rules? I hope our society be able to perceive that and be much more aware about woman right. It is not about superiority. It is about equality. About freedom. About human beeing.

ps: that was my English assesment. I Used a lot of ideias from other articles. I hope you enjoy.

domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

05-04-2015 easter holiday

Today was an aweseome day. First I woke up early, cause me Julia and Mirian had to organize the church before the service starts. Julia prepared a such nice german bread <3 (oh how I love german bread and Julia's cooking skills) We worked since 8:30 until 11:00. What could I say about the service? Awesome! Pastor will talked about how follow jesus means do not live a self-centered life. And who do not have a self-centered life in at least many aspects? I do at. God knows. We had holy communion as well. Super interesting, once since I leave Brazil I didnt had any. They ot the song ''dia feliz'' and ''santo santo'', the first one in english and the other one in German. I sang in portuguese, mixed with english and trying with all my dis-abilities to do that in german. Was pretty interesting, once when I was in Brazil that was the first song in german (heiling heiling) I tried to learn.
Well, after, we went to Julia's house friend. They did a meal. Such nice german meal. Oh my GodNESS. Yes, I say so much ''oh my God'' :P and now I will fix that saying Godness haha. Not cool to just say the name God for saying... But anyways.
We went there and was a such cool couple! We talk a lot, such nice and interesting people. Nice time!! I discovered today is a german tradition to have a coffe with family and friends at Sundays afternoons and have a time to walk later. We went to a forest closed. And talk a lot. The guys was so funny, and we -the girls- trustly worthly in their habilities to keep us in the right way. hahah
Now we just come back and I was organizing some stuff. 

I do not have so much inspiration to write now, but I would like to say thanks for God, for Jesus for his ressurection. Thanks, Lord for face the dead and sufer instead me. Thanks for call me to be part of your kingdow and be adopted for you. Thanks for you love which always ''constrange-me''. Thanks for beeing so atractive and making the life meaningfull. Thanks for being suportive, and for beeing a such nice God in a way I cannot get closed to you without beeing ''contagiado'' for your presence.
Maybe it sounds confusing, cause i put some portuguese words in the middle of my sentences. But that words I just cannot find translation for english. 
I wish I could be more in love with you.

Thanks Lord.

My Lord lives <3

sábado, 4 de abril de 2015

04-04-2015 luto

Hoje é mais um dia cinza aqui na alemanha. E um dia negro nos sentimentos. Sim, minha bisa faleceu hoje a pouco. Nós não éramos muito conectadas, ela vivia no interior do Ceará, eu na capital, Fortaleza. Mas sempre que ela ia a Fortaleza, eu apreciava muito sua presença. Uma nanica de um metro e pouco de altura que nunca parava quieta. Sempre falando, rindo e fazendo alguma coisa. Ou melhor: fazendo as três coisas juntas. É doloroso ver figuras no facebook e ainda é mais estúpido o fato de que tudo parece tão normal. Essa frivolidade de não saber o que sentir. Tem que ter um sentimento nisso tudo. Tem que incomodar com tristeza, raiva, whatever. É saber que a pessoa nunca mais vai aparecer perto. É saber o valor da perda.
Essa passividade de assistir a morte e dizer: ''ahh, esse é apenas o curso natural da vida''...
E é. Mas onde entra a a parte que a gente esperneia e se descabela? Onde está a parte que a gente se debate e levanta o dedo do meio contra a morte?
Eu não sei o que dizer. Nem mesmo o que sentir. Mas talvez isso tudo não seja sobre sentir-se culpado ou coisa do tipo. Talvez isso seja simplesmente de lembrá-la. De manter quentinha de um aconchegante modo todas as lembranças que eu tinha dela. Essa senhora de oitenta e poucos anos que viveu tanto. Que perdeu a filha (minha avó) tão nova; e perdeu o marido, tendo que viver os últimos anos de vida sem a sua doce companhia. Que vivia deslocando-se do sertão semi-árido que ela tanto amava para a capital apenas por questão de saúde, porque os governadores safados (desculpe a não polida palavra, mas eu realmente não tenho uma outra) simplesmente são corruptos demais pra pensar nos outros. Essa mulher que viveu-muito mais que existiu- por quase um século de vida e deu origem a toda nossa família. Sim, uma matriarca. Uma das boas. Que inunda o nosso coração de saudade e os nossos olhos de lágrimas.

Vá em paz, bisa.

Eu a amarei eternamente,
