sábado, 21 de novembro de 2015

Question of the day 21/11/2015 : Intervention from the State and population satisfaction


A lot of people complained because they didn't like it and was financed with the money of the State. In this case, how can we assure the decisions that are being taken are right? Because is impossible for a State to please everyone, since the actor who were financed loved the idea, what can't be applied to other sectors of the society. In what extend then the State could become an dictature?

domingo, 15 de novembro de 2015

Question of the day 16/11/2015

I wonder since did the Calvinist teology become the more important religions to the born of USA when they move from Britain -what make US become after such a capitalist country- if the concept of free will is precisely being able to untie the route destination, being free to build it?


Chupeta de bebês

Pirulito pra crianças

Cigarros pra adultos

Comida pra comilões

Apenas diversas formas de aliviar as mesmas tensões de uma alma que grita

a shot in the status quo mainstream mentality 15/11/2015

During my life I had to learn how to be very communist for a capitalist person. Or how to be very libertarian for someone who believe in equality. I had to learn how to have heretic thoughts to be a christian and to have to many ''christian views'' to be a feminist etc. I had to learn how to calm down and be conservative when there is an hysterical scream for constant change in a world that people says all the values are completely wrong. I had to be secular when people wanted to remain using the mechanism of one thousand years ago as logical for nowadays.
I had to learn how to be a wandering sheep when everyone wanted me to be part of a herd of status quo ideas.
I had to learn how to think by myself.
Due all the events that are happening right now I decided to write about something else I have being in silence for so long, but but aroused according to the recent events. All life matters, I have learned it and will stuck for that. In France, in Brazil, in Lebanon, in Syria. Everywhere. We should cry because they are lifes and all of them are important. And all of them deserve attention and prayers and compassion. Because besides their race, social status, nation, religion, they are humans. All life's counts to God. All lives are as important as I am looking for Jesus himself.

Mattews 25:35-45
 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
I will write about my views towards abortion. People migh pre-judge ''oh, she is religious, she will be necessarary against it.'' (I am kind of tired to explain I don't see my self as a follower of religion, but someone who seek for spiritual guidance) But doesn't matter. If it is easy for you to call me religious, whatever. ''I am''. 
What I most hate about someone calling me religious are the labels. I hate the labels. I also would hate to be labeled as feminist, or a communist, or capitalist or whatever. I have doing a lot of introspection to discover how difficult is to label myself. Not because ''we never know ourselves completely'' but because the external concepts have an infinitude of connotations but not an denotation. And my trust is reasoned in that eternal sense of no denotation among that meanings. I don't know what is feminism, christianity, capitalism, communism. Whatever it means for you It might not meant for me. I am stil figuring out.I accept the only answer I have is I don't have any answer. Since we might not agree in everything towards this concepts I will not risk to label myself into that patterns.
I am and individual besides my beliefs. I am not necessarily part of a cattle os status quo reasoning for any kind of belief, being that political or of religious order.
Said that, I am ''christian''. At least trying to find my own answers for reasoning to my personal beliefs. Trying to be a human being and give dignity to others. You might be a christian and disagree with me in so many points. You might say I am not in communion with God enough and my spiritual life is lacking in many senses. You might be right, but I am not here to please you.
I support gay marriage because it is not my business. Because it is a right of someone else and I have not right to selfishly stop it.
As I said, I promissed to do not please you. I still don't know what does right and left wing means. Not for lack of knowledge but for exessively research and inquiries.
I am favorable to the human rights, but I just hate when the human rights are so bias. When they protect the black-minority being oppressed in the favelas but do not give any voice when the cops are brutally murdered by marginals. 
I am against abortion because I am favorable to the human rights.The very basic knowledge shows me that a basic human right is the opportunity to born.
So far the main arguments pro-abortion are:
-Fathers ''comitt abortion'' when they abandon their children. (So, wouldn't be fair for the mom to also commit abortion?)
-If you do not give support for the baby, you are in favor of birth and not pro-life.
-The abortion is allowed in terms of rape because was sex without consentiment. I personally support that kind of abortion (since it happens in the first weeks of pregnancy time). Nevertheless, there is an argument far away more subjective that says women have being ''raped'' in the society by the sexual media exploration of standards of beauty, for social coercion towards the male dominance into the fields that says men are stronger and smarter. So basically it says: every women suffered ''rape'' somehow and since they have the right to commit abortion into the category of rape, they all should be allowed to commit abortion.
Well, I do think life matters above everything else. I acknowledge all the reasoning I mentioned towards pro-abortion, but even thought the father abandon their children, even though I can't assure the person who will born will have a dignified life,even though I know women have been oppressed for centuries... I don't believe there is any justification to do not allow someone to born.
I believe in human rights. I believe on then even when it come against the status quo of christianity beliefs as the right of gay marriage. I believe in human rights. I believe on human rights even though when it came across the liberal points of view towards the allowance of abortion.
I believe in human rights even when it comes to the point of ''merely allowance to survive or born''.
believe in human rights because I believe in the right and importance of life. ''Ah Thaíza, you're just thinking in terms of ''life'' but not in terms of ''life with dignity''. I don't think you give more dignity to anyone killing that person.
During this sequence of 18k of people be dead/missing in Japan due an earthquake; the last attacks of ISIS in Lebanon; Bombings killing 40 people in Baghdad; a recent hurricane in Mexico; terrorist attacks undergoing in Paris; the victims in Mariana and so many others cases in what people are suffering in the world. I am pro their lives. I think all the lives matter, including the one inside of the uterus of his/her mom.
Excepting the rape cases, I position myself being completely against abortion.

I just can fit inside of one an homogeneous way of thinking and I don't think if everyone disagree in everything the world would be better. 
I did not escape criticism, but do not wash my hands while I can take positions.

domingo, 8 de novembro de 2015

Project week senses description task

During Proejct week we did something new every single day.
The first day we went to see the alpes view. It smelled like branches and dried leaves of autumn. We had an stonishing view from the hight of the mountains. E could see all Innsbruck cuted by a river that reminded me Dreisam.
The second day we went to a pool. The touch senses was super pleasant. Was a warm weather and not cold water. Enough to make me remember brazilian beaches.
The third day we went to our workshop of music, in what we developed body music once just Jordon was a real musicitian. The snaps and beats stuck in my mind until now.
The same day during night we eat some Austrian dishes. The bacon balls I forgot the names now was delicious, We should eat it with something else: the cabbage had an acid taste while the soup had a light but spicy flavor.
The desert tasted as brazilian pancakes. I couldn't believe what Fabian's mother was offering was an Austrian dish.
After we went to a party. A very dark place around but inside a joyful play of light. Heard a lot of Jamaican and african songs. Smelled as smoke. (I guess even though I wasn't smoking myself I ingested tobacco because of the surrounds) Was disgusting.

sábado, 7 de novembro de 2015

Question of the day 07/11/2015 : Morality

We have 7 kinds of ''cleverness''. Sportive, Matematic, Moral, etc. (don't remember all)

How can we consider the measurement of the Moral one accurate? I am not even talking in terms of moral relativism. Not at all.

For example, when we look at guys as Machiavel, who was in my opinion the biggest name of the utilitarianism, and always refer to moral values as being something superficial and unnecessary. He is not just arguing against one moral position, he's basically saying: all the moral positions are wrong. When he is affirming that he is also taking a moral position-decision.
So, considering the criterias of defining ''moral smartness'', would he be a genius of morality, or would he be the dumbest person ever on it?

What is the V-Effekt in Brecht Teory

In GermanVerfremdungseffekt signifies both alienation and distancing in a theatrical context; thus, "theatrical alienation" and "theatrical distancing". Brecht wanted to "distance" or to "alienate" his audience from the characters and the action and, by dint of that, render them observers who would not become involved in or to sympathize emotionally or to empathize by identifying individually with the characters psychologically; rather, he wanted the audience to understand intellectually the characters' dilemmas and the wrongdoing producing these dilemmas exposed in his dramatic plots. By being thus "distanced" emotionally from the characters and the action on stage, the audience could be able to reach such an intellectual level of understanding (or intellectual empathy); in theory, while alienated emotionally from the action and the characters, they would be empowered on an intellectual level both to analyze and perhaps even to try to change the world, which was Brecht's social and political goal as a playwright and the driving force behind his dramaturgy.