Today I was reflecting whether political correctness and also religiousness should be banned or avoided. Because I always hold the idea that political correctness -as everything is a ''social sin''- the fact that you need to imitate your vocabulary to do not say ''pussy'', ''coon'', ''nigger'', because they are all derogatory terms. And when it comes to religion the idea that you can not say something because will affect certain religious person and so one, even though what they are referring to are just symbols and not more than that (Isn't a religion more than its simbols?).
I don't want to be a demagogue and just talk things that I don't really believe in.
I believe in Jesus Christ, and everyone knows and everyone think that I am a religious person because of that. I don't like the little for many reasons that I can write later.
Once I experienced that a friend of mine who is not very religious said ''Holy shit'' near to me and he apologized after. I never asked him to be super respectful of to be polite in his manners, but his principle of respect was very noticeable and I was very amused by his attitude. Another time another friend of mine said 'Holy shit'' and it didn't bothered her even for a mile of second... And of course, I felt that was very dismissive by her.
I never asked someone to be respectful, but I highly appreciate when it happens, because it has something to say about the person him-herself not about my beliefs.
But I am writing this to talk about this ''respect towards beliefs'' itself.
But what I came to argue with myself is whether this ''respect towards beliefs'' is just an ''ego desire'' or not. Let's say that religious people especially -and look that I really emphasize it- since we so often assume that people decide to their religion due their personal experience of enlightenment, right?
And suddenly they feel a lot of affection and devotion to symbols that meaningfull make them remember that spiritual encounter.
But them they forget that all the one thousand people whom live around them didn't have the same enlightenment and they do not feel any respect or any connection to the symbols.
But them -still- the religious people will make them to feel bad for ''do not respecting'' something. Something that they never had to respect because they did not have any spiritual enlightenment!
Isn't that at least selfish?
In my opinion it really is! But well, I might confess that I am still selfish to some extent even though I humanly try to do not be.
Now talking about political correctness, I am really concerned towards sexist and racist coments. Because I know that is a slippery slope: in one hand, correcting that jokes, you can create a totalitarian perception of what is a ''social sin or not'' (and that is why I think that Religion and Political Correctness are more similar than what people may think); while in another hand you see that people need education when they do this comments, because if they really mean it, it is very alarming for this society.
I don't lie here. I also feel bothered by certain sexist, racist and all this ''ist''s jokes that exists. But I feel more worried when it is not a joke, and people really mean those things.
I've heard this last weak from a nurse:
''Yeah, you know... I have to work in a hospital so late in the night because this young people who drink a lot faint and I need to recover them. There are EVEN young ladies among then.''
Really? I wish that it was a joke. I just wish that.
With political correctness or not, with racist, sexist jokes or not, I just hope the society becomes aware of that things and do not get lost in being picky and pointing out ''social sins''. Because it is a unseless as caring for the icing in the cake but do not change the flavor if the cake itself. I just hope that the society have a real development and education to be aware that certain things are not okay: lack of education is not funny!
quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2015
domingo, 27 de dezembro de 2015
Naughty life in a small village 26/12- 27/12
I just come from this party in Emmendingen (X-Party)
Was an experience.
Honestly was very boring... I feel like I stand there for hours without dance, without party. Now I have a new category for what is a worthwhile party: when I am able to move my hips. Otherwise it is a waste of time, money and energy.
Nevertheless was quite interesting experience to be there.
I could even consider that as my Anthropology ethnograph: comparison between a party in a village and a party in a city.
According to Helena (the daugther of the friend of my host mother and who was making me company) this was a tipical village celebration. And just happen 3 times a year, meaning that you need to go! Because they use that time to talk with old kindergarten friends, for example. I indeed found very strange they were not moving -I will not use the excuse that they are germans because I've seeing germans moving in other german party hehe- but they were just talking in groups! Why? Why would you stay in a lould place and not go somewhere else is you just want to talk? But that was the point of the party.Peharps to drink -OH YES! A LOT OF GRUNK GERMANS: Here I will definetly use the excuse that they are germans, therefore they drunk a lot. But was, indeed, not a party ''to party'' or dance.
-old men drinking and colliding drunk in each other
-boring german song most of the time that even the germans were bored by
-no one was dancing, just the few very drunk people whom were so drunk that they would dance even with there was no music at all
-Cute old boy who talked to me (why so old? :( )
I've danced more with my church songs in Brazil than I danced in a village party with ''party band''. Just for you to have an idea how bad was the song.
Another thing that was hilarious was that I still don't know If I was bored or drunk in the beggining. I never got drunk in my life, I don't know how it feels. And yesterday I drunk 4 coups of sparkling chaimpaing. I felt a bit dizzy, but was really just a bit. As I don't know how much alcoohol makes me feel tipsy anyways, I thought that could be the alcohol. But as the party as so boring, I thought I could just be sleep. hahah
Was an experience.
Honestly was very boring... I feel like I stand there for hours without dance, without party. Now I have a new category for what is a worthwhile party: when I am able to move my hips. Otherwise it is a waste of time, money and energy.
Nevertheless was quite interesting experience to be there.
I could even consider that as my Anthropology ethnograph: comparison between a party in a village and a party in a city.
According to Helena (the daugther of the friend of my host mother and who was making me company) this was a tipical village celebration. And just happen 3 times a year, meaning that you need to go! Because they use that time to talk with old kindergarten friends, for example. I indeed found very strange they were not moving -I will not use the excuse that they are germans because I've seeing germans moving in other german party hehe- but they were just talking in groups! Why? Why would you stay in a lould place and not go somewhere else is you just want to talk? But that was the point of the party.Peharps to drink -OH YES! A LOT OF GRUNK GERMANS: Here I will definetly use the excuse that they are germans, therefore they drunk a lot. But was, indeed, not a party ''to party'' or dance.
-old men drinking and colliding drunk in each other
-boring german song most of the time that even the germans were bored by
-no one was dancing, just the few very drunk people whom were so drunk that they would dance even with there was no music at all
-Cute old boy who talked to me (why so old? :( )
I've danced more with my church songs in Brazil than I danced in a village party with ''party band''. Just for you to have an idea how bad was the song.
Another thing that was hilarious was that I still don't know If I was bored or drunk in the beggining. I never got drunk in my life, I don't know how it feels. And yesterday I drunk 4 coups of sparkling chaimpaing. I felt a bit dizzy, but was really just a bit. As I don't know how much alcoohol makes me feel tipsy anyways, I thought that could be the alcohol. But as the party as so boring, I thought I could just be sleep. hahah
sexta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2015
Last UWC German Christmas celebration
I agree that we can have life styles that guide us to happiness. Personally, find happiness is achieved looking at small things and appreciating then, it is about looking even for the negative side of life and trying to take good abstractions, lessons and other opportunities from it. Happiness for me is a matter of perspective and I think we are able to manage our perspectives, meaning that ,yes, we can teach ourselves how to be happy. The old idea of ''look at the positive side of life!''.I like the idea, I think we can teach ourselves happiness, nevertheless I step back when it says that ''do not educate children to be rich''. And if people find happiness with their achievements, with their ambitions, with their bank numbers? If I agree that happiness achievement is subjective, who am I to say that a person can not find the value of things when they find its price? My mom always teached me that certain things were expensive and I should save money and I should not be a consumerist person. We need to take also in account that knowing the prices, at some extent has the mechanism itself of making us valorizing things. And when I say that I am incuding people who become richer and sucessfull afterwards and they learned how to give value for things exactly because they knew what absences of things means. The hard path to get in sucess increased the value they give to things, since they had to work hard for it. I also challenge that notion that I just tryied to anwser (TOK moment): who I am to say that happiness is even necessarily shared when we have to find value in things? (Can't I just watch a single theatre play, for example, that do not have any moral value to teach me and find it funny and relaxing?).
quinta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2015
Serie ''winter-night-break-day-daily-lines'': dia 23-12 pro dia 24-12
Ontem eu reecontrei a Luisa Nitch que tínhamos nos encontrado pela primeira vez com a minha terceira host family do winter break ano passado. Ela ''é muito querida'' -usando as expressões mineiras hehehe. Então... ela é alemã, mas fala português -mineiro- pois sua mãe é brasileira mineira mas veio trabalhar como médica na Alemanha por um tempo, conheceu um alemão, apaixonou-se, decidiu que era pras bandas de cá que ia ficar mesmo...
Então fomos a uma festa juntas no Bar & Lounge Schneerot. A localização desse club é aos redores do Müsterplatz (lugar do catedral). É uma visão bem sombria e misteriosa, quase como que a visão de um castelo fantasma quando se olha o Münster de noite: as torres tocam o céu quase como se arranhasse as escassas nuvens.
Andar de noite com uma amiga e sendo mulher ,mesmo na Alemanha, é preciso ter cuidado com abordagens masculinas. Mas em geral é muito melhor que a situação no Brasil, onde o maior medo constante das mulheres é de ser estuprada.
Foi muito divertido andar com Luisa, pois mesmo que ela fale alemão e inglês, muitas vezes fomos abordadas por pessoas falando alemão e inglês, e ela simulava que não falava nada. ''Não entendo essa língua, desculpa, somos brasileiras'' ria. hahaha Eu boba ainda parava pra tentar entender o que estavam tentando dizer. Foi uma graça.
Falei tanto português. Que delícia.
Depois fui dormir na casa dela. O pai dela é alemão -e apaixonado pela Bahia e pela comida braisleira-e quando cheguei lá ele tinha preparado Pão de Queijo. Meu Deus do céu... quase morri <3
Comi uns 8 heheh. Que saudade da comida brasileira!
Fomos dormir umas 3:30 e acordamos 8:30 pois Luisa tinha que ir à cidade (eles moram numa cidade pequenina próxima chamada Emmedingen).
Sua mãe ofereceu uma carona e agora estou de volta pros Illek.
Temos Christmas eve em poucas horas e estou muito feliz das experiências que tive durante esse último winter break na Alemanha.
Bis bald :)
Então fomos a uma festa juntas no Bar & Lounge Schneerot. A localização desse club é aos redores do Müsterplatz (lugar do catedral). É uma visão bem sombria e misteriosa, quase como que a visão de um castelo fantasma quando se olha o Münster de noite: as torres tocam o céu quase como se arranhasse as escassas nuvens.
Andar de noite com uma amiga e sendo mulher ,mesmo na Alemanha, é preciso ter cuidado com abordagens masculinas. Mas em geral é muito melhor que a situação no Brasil, onde o maior medo constante das mulheres é de ser estuprada.
Foi muito divertido andar com Luisa, pois mesmo que ela fale alemão e inglês, muitas vezes fomos abordadas por pessoas falando alemão e inglês, e ela simulava que não falava nada. ''Não entendo essa língua, desculpa, somos brasileiras'' ria. hahaha Eu boba ainda parava pra tentar entender o que estavam tentando dizer. Foi uma graça.
Falei tanto português. Que delícia.
Depois fui dormir na casa dela. O pai dela é alemão -e apaixonado pela Bahia e pela comida braisleira-e quando cheguei lá ele tinha preparado Pão de Queijo. Meu Deus do céu... quase morri <3
Comi uns 8 heheh. Que saudade da comida brasileira!
Fomos dormir umas 3:30 e acordamos 8:30 pois Luisa tinha que ir à cidade (eles moram numa cidade pequenina próxima chamada Emmedingen).
Sua mãe ofereceu uma carona e agora estou de volta pros Illek.
Temos Christmas eve em poucas horas e estou muito feliz das experiências que tive durante esse último winter break na Alemanha.
Eu e Luisa :) |
Bis bald :)
quarta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2015
Página 26
''Na realidade, só existe um modo de nos valorizarmos: é pelo trabalho, pela obra que fomos capazes de fazer. É preciso que saibamos aceitar esta condição sem complexos e sem vergonhas: somos pobres. Ou melhor, somos empobrecidos pela História. Mas nós fizemos parte dessa História, fomos também empobrecidos por nós próprios. A razão dos nossos actuais e futuros fracassos mora também dentro de nós.
Mas a força para a superarmos a nossa condição histórica também reside dentro de nós. Saberemos, como já soubemos antes, reconquistar a certeza de que somos produtores do nosso destino. Teremos mais e mais orgulho em sermos quem somos: moçambicanos construtores de um tempo e de um lugar onde nascemos todos os dias.
É por isso que vale a pena aceitarmos descalçar não só os sete, mas todos os sapatos que atrasam a nossa marcha coletiva. Porque a verdade e uma: antes vale andar descalço do que tropeçar com o sapato dos outros.''
Página 26
Trecho do primeiro ensaio do livro ''E se Obama fosse africano'' por Mia Couto
terça-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2015
Serie ''winter-night-break-day-daily-lines'': Abstractions 13-12-2015
1) Discovered that the symbolism as
scissors and bretzel and others in the down part of the windows in the
Cathedral Münster represented the weaver and the baker and others... Because
was a way the richer path of society to make the worker class fell included in
the process of building the church
2) Also discover
that my host mom works in the Freiburg Augustine Museum and I can go to her new
office whenever I want YEY (WIE COOL :P ) and also that the Augustine Museum
has 5 different kind of museums: the one for Freiburg history; the one for
Archeologic; human and nature relation (Tobi would love that one with all his
heart- if he do not already); the one for modern art (*_*); and the open space
for different exhibitions, If I am not mistaken.
3) The east side
of the small sales tend around Münster are local producers, meaning that buying
there is a great opportunity to enhance value to local production.
4) Ice skating is
suuuuuuuuuuper amazing! And wet and slippery
5) Buying Kebab in
Kebab House is much nicer than if you go to a fancy Turkish restaurant (please,
never put the salad and the tomato sauce outside of the Yufka again. N e v e r
6) Pay attention
when you're going back from Gottenheim to the train that stops at Bahlingen:
the second tram just do not announce the stops.
7) Remember the
difference between Eliada and Odisseia. You're being hosted for Greek lovers.
What is just AMAZING :P
8) The highest
point of the day was the time when I was in the book story near to the
Haupbanhof and I found this cartoon:
that is in German and Portuguese.
The author is the Portuguese Alexandra Kloboux and she graduate in graphic
design in Berlin. (take more information
here Her
cartoon was just the most ''mimosa'' (the most near translation for that would
be ''Cute’ ‘or ''lovely'') that I've seen since I arrive in Germany. She basically
describe Portuguese land, costumes, Arabic influence, social habits (as saying
all the names in the diminutive as ''beijinho'' for example which means literally’
‘small kiss'' but applies as tender kiss... Well, Portuguese from Portugal and
its diminutives make it sounds so affectionable and lovely. Portuguese from Portugal
is the cutest thing is the world for me...)
She also talked
about the dictatorship of Salazar from the 1932 until 1974 and how right after
second world war there was this ''Estado Novo'' period that make his
dictatorial government collapse with the ''Revolução dos cravos''. She brings
out all the aspects, political social, cultural in such a way that is not
making it irrelevant, but brings it out in a relaxing manner...
I found myself
laughing at the cartoon so many times. Was amazing <3
Thank you for this
moment, book. I migh buy you.
segunda-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2015
sexta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2015
Serie ''winter-night-break-day-daily-lines'': First day of winter break 18-12-2015
Now I am in Nahmir's host familly. This last days have being intense. I am officially in my winter break now. Will be less than 3 weeks and I am still figuring out whether I am going to Innsbruck, or not. I also wanted to go to Prague, but to stay there for just 3 days is costing 120 euros, what is extremely expensive for me right now. :( I am wondering if I can expent the last days in Innsbruck now that is cheaper.
Besides that, I have plenty of work to do over this break actually. Need to read pretty much all the books of self-taught and some more 4 books that I took about politics, capitalism, poverty etc. that I guess they are amazing!
Besides that, I have plenty of work to do over this break actually. Need to read pretty much all the books of self-taught and some more 4 books that I took about politics, capitalism, poverty etc. that I guess they are amazing!
There we go!!! ;P
But is not just intellectual growth that I am expecting from this break. I also want to reflect upon all the things that happened -even fastily than last year.
I want to set few plans that I have thought for this new year for the last and more remarkable semester that I will have at UWC.
3/4 of the UWC Pizza is basically gone ):
For this new semester I hope I have more time for my loved friends and that will be in the top of my list of personal ambitions.
2016. WELCOME!
Ps: here follow some pictures of the winter ball that happened on 12th December.
domingo, 6 de dezembro de 2015
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