sexta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2016

Does human nature lead us to be capitalists? -question 26/02/2016

To ask a question another question: do we even have something such as ''human nature''?

Today I had a very interesting conversation in the mensa with Nikola about human nature... Actually we talked about a bunch of things together, what was super interesting. He is such a smart guy.

Well... we were talking about biology and how the we ,humans, in the beginning of the homosapiens existence in order to establish ourselves as the strong predator, basically, we had to kill other strong animals, as mamutes, and therefore they got extinct etc.

But my question then layed in the fact that... Can we actually point something as human nature? Is the human nature that builds our sistem as it is now? Do we have something as human nature that make us ''naturally capitalists''?

And then he argued that not. That the notion of capital started when we had to exchange our commodities, because we had over productions during the time of the agricultural revolution. This perception of power was human builded concept -therefore can be deconstructed as well- and has not to do with nature.

-''But still... Power is based on competition... and even in a very non-complex society -in the beginning of sedentarism and settlement of men to produce his and her own agriculture- human showed that they needed to be the strongest, therefore they need to compete, therefore they want power. How what they did in the past can be different from what is nowadays?''

He argued firstly, we can not see that the motivation of the humans at this time were merely seeking for power, but perhaps the killed the strongest ones because they were seeking for protection!

I thought that was fair enough.

Another question came to my mind.

Considering hypothetically that TODAY we reach the level of small communities and everyone lives in self-sufficient small communities again. If the man started capitalism after the agricultural revolution, due a over production that exceed in what they needed for self-sufficiency: which guarantee do I have that men will not do seek for power again in the new context of small independent groups? Especially now that everything floats in terms of market. Even time is a commodity. ''Time is money'', they said.
If there is something such as human nature -which is endorsed by the mindset that we have right now- how realist would be to have the basis of the ideological essence of communism happening in practice?

He said that could have happened anything in the past. Was one minimum possibility that leaded the agricultural revolution turned to be the cradle of capitalism. (what I disagree and think that were very highly possibilities instead).

I am still not convinced about whether there is such a thing as human nature. Because if there is such a thing, it will explain loads to me...

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