Today we argued in the debate wether religion organizations contribute to equality of women or not.
I was in the afirmative team, meaning that I was defeating religion as promoter of women equality.
The negative team pointed out tones of examples in which women was explored. They talked about how Burca oppresses women; how christian values of Virgem Mary -even thought she was an important female simbol- her function was to raise a baby whom was a baby and MALE baby.
I wondered then if people point out that religion is sexist just because they were more postmodernists. I would point out as well how the assumption of religion as sexist completely ignores the meaning of equality within the religion. Notice that inside of a religion is possible to say that equality no longer means that you do need the same roles for being equal, because diferent roles can be precisely how equality is perceived within the religions.
(What is also a contradiction of the posmodernist teory in my opinion: point out that there are no fixed values and no absolute truths, while the previous conservative religious ideas are no longer obsolete and throwed away as there is an absolute truth of the human rights or whatever you want to call it. Basically the moral relativism just does not work with traditional abraham and hinduist religions)
Buuuuuuuuut, coming back to the debate!
I said then that we look at the past and get shocked towards having a male baby, but it is just because we look with the lents of NOW! POSTMODERNISM. Buuuut if you look at the time in which patriachialism was pretty strong (could we actually measure it as ''patriachalism'' since ''patriachalism'' was a word that come in the postmodern history to understand postmodern history!?!?!!!!) and if we think that God is an inteligent being, of course He would play the ''game'' of those times and send a men figure since it would make more social impact.
But by other hand with that assumption I wondered with myself if God did not care about gender equality then. If He just stuck for the status quo of those times and did not interview in order to empower women. I just thought for a second that God did not want equality as well. As all the society past times.
I just started to think that just with postmodernism we started to think on things as gender equality!
But as a counter claim for that I would say that the society in the times of Jesus birth was not as complex as it is right now! Postmoderninsm and human rights come as a product of a new globalized era: an shift of the society. So, having a male figure would not be a matter of inequality for Jesus' birth times.
If sexism was not a problem in Jesus time -notice that if you point it as sexism, it is only because you are postmodern mind and those terms born to understand its own time, not the historical past of Jesus!- why would we say that God was sexist?
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