quarta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2015

Wednesday CAS Reflection; Theatre; Anthro 28/10/2015 Highlights of the day

CAS Reflection
I finally worked in the other class with the seeds. I am super excited for the workshop we will do soon (by the way: I love how ambitious and professional is the woman who is working with us -Rebeca is her name- she has high standards of work). Felt homesick to see the cutie little children and remember my brother. I noticing I have potential difficulties to say the things I want to in German, but I can understand quite well. I notice different behaviors in children when they were doing the plantation: some loved to touch the sand while others hated it so badly. Kindergarten is a good place to observe how human beings are.

Theatre Class
Based on Basti Monologue... Personal thought walking towards: Ethics X instinct
Which is linked with Anthro Class...
 When we talked about:
Meaning of life... Ethics X Instincts

What to do when the gosh of your public image come back to disturb you? What should we do them?
How to be free of the old chains?

I loved Anthro class today. I could get all the logico-meaningfull and logico-structural aspects of functionalism way of thinking. But, besides I understand it, I loved the end. When we randomly discussed about meaning of life.
I loved when Mihir was honest enough to say: ''I wouldn't like to have migrants here in Germany. Why should I give a shit for it? My instincts drive me to think I have no business with this people. Nevertheless, I can't just think in terms of my own instincts. I also hold ethics''. I have no doubts about his ethics towards it.
Suddenly I realize there is a real world. A real world with people honestly enough to do not be a ''model direct linked with their moral standards''. They are not recruited to be part of the Chuck Norris army. He talked without demagogy. ''I don't like this people coming here''. He said it without feel bad or socially coerced to tell his natural feelings and instincts.
I am kind trained to feel bad about my sins and about my nature and do not really relay in instincts. As a Christian, I learn how to hold my moral values and not run away for my instincts. The fight between the flesh and the spirit.
Therefore, when I see this political correct people I cannot avoid thinking the political correctness is just another kind of religion.
However, for that I would have to admit (without fell guilt) religion is also a way of totalitarianism. Even in the ways I personally assume Christianity, because I believe in a divine moral standard is better than my own. ''His justice is better than mine'' as we would quote the bible.
But I would come with the reasoning which is quite unreasonable saying: ''I don't know why is His moral better than my own, but I am not smart enough to reach the complete God’s knowledge, so I am will relay in the order of moral things and events as the bible describe without argue''.

I really thought God as the guy who would be playing around with me. However, my empirical experience made me believe He is besides everything else, a loving God. In addition, having a relationship (that is how I describe my spiritual experience: I hate the term religion) I can figure how He is loving. That is what drives me to believe blindly in his morality. I can reason in His morality because I believe He is a loving God, but I can't reason how loving He is because it is based on my personal experience.

But coming back to political correctness:

Or am I saying political correctness is a religion just because it is totalitarian?

When we will be free without the pressure of having the mind colonized by the imperialism of certain values, being them from Religion or even from Political Correctness?
When will we stop to use the power of guilt to coerce people and convince them? Can we even believe in the power of coercion?
If I do not  believe in a ''guilt system'' as a way of converting someone, how can I be Christian?


Coming back to what I learn from this last 5 philosophical minutes (please, do that more often, Mihir!). 

I wonder in which extend can we consider our instincts ''pure of ethics'' ? Since I born in a context with certain patterns of behaviors immerse in a certain mentality. Can I actually separate in the reality Ethic and Instinct when I see the whole picture?


My theatre class also made me pretty thoughtful in two senses:

1) In the play we are preparing: how do I link Ethics and Instinct based on the piece of writing Basti and me wrote. Once both talk mainly about an uncontrollable desire. How do we address an ethical reflection to the audience?

2) About the individual exploration we were working on I figure out how important is to think about Rape. The essay Katarina send to us is mostly talking about how there is so much shades of rape and in so many cases they are assisted in a very insensitive way by the court, claiming for medical exams confirming for example. 
There is no such a thing as white and black every time.
In which extend can something be a rape?
Just physical or also emotional violation?
The borders are not exactly delimited.

It makes me connect with something, which is happening in Brazil right now. Apparently there is a new law towards the SUS (that is the public system of wealth) restricting even more the consults by women in case of sexual violence. The laws towards abortion are clearly more restrict now. (Abortion is allowed in Brazil in cases of rape). 
But what can we call rape? Wasn't a sexual violence what the media have doing with women so far?
Me and two guys were today in the lunch were discussing how they though was unfair the fact they would love to be touched for a women in a party but how would be a scandal if a a boy do that with a girl.

How about the oppression of women always being objectified and being the means of consumption for male in pornography magazines? Even tough we have the male people naked and so one, women are portrayed as the strong sex while the women are always trying to please the other sex.

Oh well... How long have being our society raping and defrauding women conscience?

Another Facebook publication that made me quite reflexive:

One coment about the third play I found very powerfull:
Celine:'' about how the audience is in the front and need to watch static without take any action. It is very scary but most scary is to think it happens in real life but no one take action''




terça-feira, 27 de outubro de 2015

Petisco do dia

Pensava que escrevia por timidez, por não saber falar, pelas dificuldades de encarar a verdade enquanto ardia, arvorava, arfava. Há muitos que ainda acreditam que começaram a escrever pela covardia de abrir a boca. Nas cartas de amor, por exemplo, eu me declarava para quem gostava pelo papel, e não pela pele, ainda que o caderno seja pele de um figo. O figo, assim como a literatura, é descascado com as unhas, dispensando facas e canivetes. Não sei descascar laranjas e olhos com as unhas, e sim com os dentes. Com as mãos, sei descascar a boca do figo e o figo da boca, mais nada. Acreditei mesmo que escrever era uma fuga, pedra ignorada, silêncio espalhado, um subterfúgio, que não estava assumindo uma atitude e buscava me esconder, me retrair, me diminuir. Mas não. Escrever é queimar o papel de qualquer forma. Desde o princípio, foi a maior coragem, nunca uma desistência, nunca um recuo, e sim avanço e aceitação. Deixar de falar de si para falar como se fosse o outro. Deixar a solidão da voz para fazer letra acompanhada, emendada, uma dependendo da próxima garfada para alongar a respiração. Baixa-se o rosto para levantar o verbo. É necessário mais coragem para escrever do que falar, porque a escrita não depende só de ti. Nasce no momento em que será lida.
Fabrício Carpinejar

domingo, 25 de outubro de 2015

Insides about learning 25/10/2015 at 14:46, Freiburg Germany.

I was thinking about how intimidating can be the academic universe. Whoever speak more loudly and have a better english. Whoever mention certain names and certain statistics can be interpreted as a smart. Even thought the person is just saying 1+1 = 2.

Sometimes they say 1+1 =3 and we applaud.

The teachers shouldn't be worried when they say smart things to the students and they don't understand it. The teachers should be worried when they say something stupidity and the students don't react to it.

sexta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2015

First global affairs of my second Year

Finally I found some free time to write about my global affairs notes. I have taken them since the beggining of the year but haven't writen anything.

Here I go :D

''It is not just one enviromental issue: because the whole life depends of that. Since the industrial revolution we started a crazy level of CO2 emissions what increased the rates of Global warming enorusmoly.
Events as:
-Hayan Storm in 2013 in Philippines: the scientists couldn't even categorize how strong it was.
-Global Ocean Acidification
-State Shifts: drought in Northen Mexico: ''has devastade crops and heads of livestock''. Desplacement is also conected to the issue: people without resourcs and land went to work alternatively with drugs.
-2008  food crisis.
-Tropical depression
-Loss and damage AND social safety: deal with international migration and ALL kinds of internal displacement.
-Loss and damage AND fisheries: the cost of Indonesia 20% - 25% demands of fish increasing
-Loss and damage AND Economic Development: people still need to pay to the FMI the costs about investiments due the natural disasters.
-Loss and damage AND Biodiversity: Bolivia and also Boral forest.
-Responding to Loss and Damage: Process under the Climate Convention:

Cop21: ''put the planet in the track'': once the urgency is becoming more dfficult to produce one effective way of Climate Justice.

More ideas:
Why should we care? ''Would be solved if the poluter would pay?''
Why do we need to seek for justice? ''Because the most vulnerable are the one's who will be affected. Ex: Pacific Islands.
Future generations: the impact of our consuption will be felt not just within our life time... Justice is not just what benefit us but what can benefit others.
Equity: developing countries also have the right to develop.

''Since 1997 we are trying to create something, a framework, one umbrela in a way the population is responsible to be more active in the government decisions''
Also to look at the role of UN, their past actions and what are they doing in the present moment.
United Nations is only one hundred and it attends the demands of the population.
Issues of climate change, mitigation, They are also promoting windpower in Indonesia. And in 2010 the ''Green Climate Founder'' need to be transformative.

1)How does it fell like representing so many voices including when in sometimes you're representing people who do not have voice?
2)How could politic sistems play a role to be more enviromental friendly?
-100% - 25% reduction of energy consumption.
3) Why did Compehagen fail?
-The COP9 Did not give a chance for small countries.
-We expected the develop countries take the assume the frond and intervin

4)What do we need do change?
-Respect and provide sovereinty
-Legal Framework: how we will do this? Taking small steps. Is needed a mix of education and political engagement.

5)Since the conference is about being enviromental friendly, why the member don't do that by skype rather than using plans to flight to the conference place?
-Not all the countries provide good internet conection.

quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2015

22/10/2015 Public Debate CAS and Kita Kibz 21/10/2015 reflections and insides

Today I had CAS and we saw some examples how to refute certain arguments. There are 6 ways:
1)Attacking evidence
2)Attacking assumptions
3)Attacking impact
4)Attacking logic
5)Attacking ''hung arguments''
6)Attacking example

We watched the first affirmative and negative arguments of a debate competition. I was quite impressed with myself collecting the points of each side. I got it very nicely and precisely. 
But what I mostly enjoy today was a simple but powerfull inside:

''Pretty much all arguments in the world can be refuted''

Haha if you have a hard mind about certain thing... Adios... You can be a hard person to convince because mostly everything can be refuted.

If before I was arguing with myself because I haven't had any inspiration to ask questions in GA, now I now concretely proven I can argue against all assumptions and logic or arguments.

I am happy to now that ;)

In Kita Kibz we are getting more and more structured now. Our guide is pretty much ambitious. She puts a lot of effort in what she does, trying to be puntual and organized.
We finished Urmel today and in the very end we did a interactive game asking the child in which point we stoped the history and making they ''learn how to fly and how to walk without face their noose in the floor'' with Urmel. It was very interesting and they enjoyed a lot. We may do it again!


quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2015

Collecting nice quotes

I am reading the book called: ETHICS A Very Short Introduction by Simon Blackburn. :-)

Some quotes are quite nice and I will share here:

''there must be a course between the suggy sands of relativism and the cold rocks of dogmatism''

terça-feira, 20 de outubro de 2015

What does it mean being at UWC. - O que significa estar num UWC.

Being at UWC made my a new person. I can't imagine myself now if I hadn't be at a UWC before. Is just an amazing place. I have getting in touch with so many ideologies and points of view. We get in touch with real conflicts as they had jumped out of the televisions and sit next to you.
I had a friend who is refugee. I had another who lost her cousin in the Syria war. I have a friend who is completely socialist. I have another one who is completely capitalist. I have friends from Palestine. I have friends from Israel. I have gay friends. I have transgender friends. I have all the kinds of tastes of friend's taste: vegan, vegetarian, meat eaters. I have friends who are feminists and hate sexist jokes and swearing. I have friends who are feminists and love to use this because they think is playing with the taboo is how we overcome prejudices. I have buddhists, ateístic, muslim, undefined faith friends. I have friends with blue eyes from Latin America and black skin color from Germany. Here we have daily basis conversations about capitalism, sexism, etc. even during meals.
At UWC I found a salad of all colors. A human mosaic I could never found anywhere else.
I am so glad for our diferences. UWC is more than an interchange. It is more than living abroad.
UWC has the unique taste of UWC.
Estar no UWC fez de mim uma nova pessoa. Eu não posso imaginar como eu seria hoje se eu não tivesse estado em um UWC antes. É apenas um lugar incrível. Tenho entrado em contato com tantas ideologias e pontos de vistas. É como entrar em contato com conflitos reais como se eles tivessem saltado para fora das televisões e sentado ao seu lado.
Eu tinha um amigo que é refugiado. Eu tinha uma outra que perdeu seu primo na guerra Síria. Eu tenho um amigo que é completamente socialista. Eu tenho um outro que é completamente capitalista. Tenho amigos da Palestina. Tenho amigos de Israel. Tenho amigos gays. Tenho amigos transexuais. Tenho amigos héteros. Eu tenho todos os tipos de gostos: veganos, vegetarianos, comedores de carne. Eu tenho amigos que são feministas e odeiam piadas sexistas e palavrões. Eu tenho amigos que são feministas e gostam de usar isso porque eles acham que brincando com o tabu é como podemos superar preconceitos. Eu tenho budistas, ateístas, muçulmanos, amigos de fé indefinida. Tenho amigos com olhos azuis que vem da América Latina e cor de pele negra nascidos na Alemanha. Aqui nós temos conversas diárias de base sobre o capitalismo, o sexismo, etc., mesmo durante as refeições.
No UWC eu encontrei uma salada de todas as cores. Um mosaico humano que eu nunca poderia encontrados em qualquer outro lugar.
Estou tão feliz por nossas diferenças. UWC é mais do que um intercâmbio. É mais do que viver no exterior.
UWC tem o gosto único do UWC.

segunda-feira, 19 de outubro de 2015

Why and mindless person 19/10/2015

Ainda que o barco esteja parado, as ondas remam.

You. You really think I am a just mindless person? You think I am a superficial human being? Oh well, the highest point are regulated by the sea level. It is a referential issue: you might be so deep. But I am not a superficial one.
I might not have the anwser for all the questions in the world. But I am looking for it. Or do you think a mindless person would remain until the end to watch a debate about politics or faith? Of course I don't want to be an expectator in a debate every single time. But I understand everything is a process. Of course I criticize my own process, because I don't know if I can rely on it completely. One thing I know: I am looking for the anwsers in the world. Is not that I don't want to speak my mind. 
But I am in a process. I am learning. I am educating myself and giving time to think and process what do I embrace.
I am casually angry with myself today. I don't know what to say about the israel palestine conflict. I know few things and it is enough to know Israel is oppressing Palestine. And I said to myself to do not touch on this topic specially in our school, because at some extend we would offend Yarden and Maya because they are from Israel. But also Mohammed and Marwan (from Palestine) are sad and irritated because no one is speaking about it! Should we remain in silence? Is it fair? So many people being killed and dying and we don't talk about it in a international community because we are fearful to offend someone?
Isn't that unfair? Even for people from Israel it would be beneficial because there is so many bad and misleading informations being spread in a way we don't know in what to relay in.
Let's be honest with ourselves. Let's face certain things and break the politics of silence. Our omission is not polite. Our ''misbehavior'' is more polite than our silence in this case.
The metod don't need to be polite every single time.
I am not tired of asking my question to others. But I think my teachers are tired of me. Or maybe I am a bad student. Or maybe their are bad teachers. Because a teacher should never fell bad because his student don't want to accept his ideas passively. The things shouldn't be tiring. Should be exciting for both.
Learning should be exciting for both.

Learning about how to learn.

Question about how to learn:

When do we reach the point of having enough data to say ''I am intellectually ready to stand for this position''
This feeling of being in a class fulfilled by brilliant students and your teacher -who is also very intellectual- come and ask you what is the color of the water and runs in your mind the combination of names of colors you even don't know they exist. Come to your mind the latest thing you could imagine. And you feel so pressured to be smart when you just need to give a simple answer to a simple question.
That is life: how many data do we need to stand for something? How many? What is the intellectual degree we need to reach to stand up and say: that's what a believe in even tough I am not a genius and one week later I might look at what I said and think ''what a stupid think I just said!'' ?




Why are we procrastinating to be ourselves?


domingo, 18 de outubro de 2015

Question about anarchism 19/10

When small communities claim for freedom and autonomy, do they claim for creation of small communities everywhere around (in a global scale) or would they be fine just themselves being independent even though the rest of the world remain globalized ?

sexta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2015

Refugees and North Korean Migration situation discussed by BBC reporters

Both speakers showed intervals between their speeches to show their documentaries.
I have watched by myself the one related to Refugees in Germany. I found it pretty much emotional. Was very difficult to me to handle the scenes related with children specially. Because I have a brother who is 6 years old and was almost impossible to do not cry when they come up with real histories about how children get lost of their parents; how other people take randomly children and just say to the authorities belong to them; how a small boy suffer a violent accident of car; the worst one was about a father saying to the reporter about how his children have seeing people being sentenced to death. What a sad image! Other about a mom who lost her son... So touching...
Anyways. You must figure out by yourself. That what was personally difficult to handle, for me at least.

About the video related to North Korea:
Was super weird and at some extend funny. Oh it really was, I am sorry. That is so absurd what is being said there. The speaker mentioned several experiences she had that had showed the intellectual dishonestly on that country. One was: ''I went to a library and the woman responsible for search by the books was proud of herself and trying to show off how many books do they have in their library (what was something between 21 thousand...Yeah, she really believe on that...).
She also showed a kind of ''UWC School'' in North Korea financed by foreign: a place full of militarism and idolatries of the death previous king. Oh my gosh but the way... I was so scared about it! They idolatry a death body of Kim Jong! What a creep thing.
Nevertheless, coming back to the school, what a contradiction. A country that proclaims itself as victims of USA Imperialist isolation, they do their lections in English. And in small steps the western ideas start to be spread and make youth people think against of the system. Evidently in a very shy way, but is a beginning. I also though (and it is my personal opinion, not what she said) there is so much high expectations about the western culture... almost as their values are the best one in the world. ''The

Salvation'' (something I need to think more about)

I did not have to many creative questions I think, but I will write down here the ones I found very thoughtful:

-In a sense the media being so bias and taking just about the concerns of the Migrants and being omissive in cases where there is also oppression by the small landowners who have their camps ocuppied by the people from other nations, contribute in a sense the weird nationalist parties use this lack of social-midiatic concern to acually justifiy the construction of the fancy. So, the fact the media is just focusing on the refugees wound't that contribute to oppression at least in the case of Hungria.

-As an individual he might have different opinions than what the institution he works for would want you to 'sell' so has you ever found yourself in that situation and so what has you done.

-There is a great amount of propaganda of unification. Even the western media when they do come up with so many jokes about North Korea, for example. How we will have an international solution if a country cannot be taken seriously? How can that be if USA for instance sit in the same table together for debate international, concerns and they may basically laughter at each other?

[all of them were addressed to the reporter]

quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2015

New invention: Diary of questions :D

Yuuup! Now I had the idea of doing a diary of questions... I am into a new philosophy of life that is more important to ask question rather than have answers for everything and having the very old opinion formed about everything.
There I start with the questions I just sent during a global Affairs topic of religion (but wasn't answered sadly)

29/09/2015 Question for global affairs tomorrow:

For the christian representant:

Once I heard about the notion of separating state from religion. Personally I found it very logic, because is stupid to impose your own religious perspective for people who do not believe on that. For example, when we come to gay marriage, even if we are not allowing people with the same sex marry, we still can't assure that person go to the heaven. Because christianity is about the salvation throught Jesus and not about the imposition of the religous law or about doing ''nice things'', or not doing certain things. Also, isn't too optimistic to think if everyone would be christian -considering our sinner nature- the world suddenly wouldn't have no problems anymore? But I also come across the idea even the humanism and the notion towards the pos-modernism is a new kind of religion.
1)So, could we actually consider the human rights a religion which is so diffused to all around the world as a new kind of salvation, being understood as the ''gospel of human rights''? In another words: can christianity and human-rights coexist ideologically and do not anulate each other?
2)And when we see in the bible we will be persecuted because our faith, by what reason, where do you imagine this persecution come from? I was wondering with myself, and maybe it one of the most difficult questions I have as a christian... Does the persecution would come from the idea of oposing to same-sex marriage; or poli-love; or sex with animals; being against abortion; being against divorce etc.(basiclly all the universe of things which are contrary of the common sense understanding of the bible) and so one? 
3)If not, what is the reasoning of christian persecution in a contemporary life?

Coming to another subject:
4) Many christians do not support any root of marxist ideology because Marx preached the existence of an atheistic State. Do you think that is reasonable? Why?
5) How about the notion of individual freedom: do you agree -since christianity is based on the principle of each person answering for their own sins and facing their consequences- it means christianity is much more related with libertarian ideology? If yes or no, why?
6) How do you connect christianity as a way to colonize and oppress colonies in the historical imperialist past? How do you think bible was used to manipulate the faith of people to take advantage?

7) Do you agree the interpretation of Genesis would be literal or would be actually a metaphor to understand more deeply the God character? How do you perceive it?
8) Before the Jesus, how people were condemned to hell or heaven? (obs: I am asking even before the 10 commandments come)
9) Do we choose God or does God choose us?

For while that was my questions...
I hope for answers 😊


Aniversário da mamãe

Eu sinto muita saudade. Queria estar ai pra te dar um abraço.

eu estava procurando uma foto pra mandar uma daquelas mensagens especiais de Facebook e então recorri a mais recente, tirada quando estávamos na despedida antes de eu vir aqui pro colégio.
Estou convencida de ser a imagem certa, por ser a mais recente e impressa em genuínos sentimentos. Também de ver as diferenças da Thaíza que partiu no primeiro ano e que partia no segundo ano, agora com muito mais confiança, que não se perde nas incertezas da falta de domínio da língua e que não se perde entre os caminhos da vida. Eu nunca teria me tornado isso se vc não tivesse me liberado pra uma experiência que nao fosse debaixo da suas asas.
Obrigada por estar lá, me apoiando, sempre dando suporte. Sempre sendo essa mãe linda e guerreira. Por ter lutado pra que eu chegasse onde eu cheguei. Eu não teria nem seria nada se não fosse por você, mãe. Eu admiro sua serenidade, seu modo otimista diante da vida e também como alguém que está sempre orando e lutando por nós.
Como dizia, sinto muita saudade. Queria estar ai pra te dar um abraço. Por isso deixo essa imagem aqui. Por favor, se cuida. Não come besteira, nem trabalha demais! rsrs isso faz mal pra saúde! Mas deixo essa mensagem que expressa pouco, mas diz muito coisas que nem mesmo em outra língua eu conseguiria expressar.
Feliz aniversário e que comecem a surgir fios brancos nessa cabeçola e as pessoas parem de dizer que somos irmãs RUM <3