Finally I found some free time to write about my global affairs notes. I have taken them since the beggining of the year but haven't writen anything.
Here I go :D
''It is not just one enviromental issue: because the whole life depends of that. Since the industrial revolution we started a crazy level of CO2 emissions what increased the rates of Global warming enorusmoly.
Events as:
-Hayan Storm in 2013 in Philippines: the scientists couldn't even categorize how strong it was.
-Global Ocean Acidification
-State Shifts: drought in Northen Mexico: ''has devastade crops and heads of livestock''. Desplacement is also conected to the issue: people without resourcs and land went to work alternatively with drugs.
-2008 food crisis.
-Tropical depression
-Loss and damage AND social safety: deal with international migration and ALL kinds of internal displacement.
-Loss and damage AND fisheries: the cost of Indonesia 20% - 25% demands of fish increasing
-Loss and damage AND Economic Development: people still need to pay to the FMI the costs about investiments due the natural disasters.
-Loss and damage AND Biodiversity: Bolivia and also Boral forest.
-Responding to Loss and Damage: Process under the Climate Convention:
Cop21: ''put the planet in the track'': once the urgency is becoming more dfficult to produce one effective way of Climate Justice.
More ideas:
Why should we care? ''Would be solved if the poluter would pay?''
Why do we need to seek for justice? ''Because the most vulnerable are the one's who will be affected. Ex: Pacific Islands.
Future generations: the impact of our consuption will be felt not just within our life time... Justice is not just what benefit us but what can benefit others.
Equity: developing countries also have the right to develop.
''Since 1997 we are trying to create something, a framework, one umbrela in a way the population is responsible to be more active in the government decisions''
Also to look at the role of UN, their past actions and what are they doing in the present moment.
United Nations is only one hundred and it attends the demands of the population.
Issues of climate change, mitigation, They are also promoting windpower in Indonesia. And in 2010 the ''Green Climate Founder'' need to be transformative.
1)How does it fell like representing so many voices including when in sometimes you're representing people who do not have voice?
2)How could politic sistems play a role to be more enviromental friendly?
-100% - 25% reduction of energy consumption.
3) Why did Compehagen fail?
-The COP9 Did not give a chance for small countries.
-We expected the develop countries take the assume the frond and intervin
4)What do we need do change?
-Respect and provide sovereinty
-Legal Framework: how we will do this? Taking small steps. Is needed a mix of education and political engagement.
5)Since the conference is about being enviromental friendly, why the member don't do that by skype rather than using plans to flight to the conference place?
-Not all the countries provide good internet conection.
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