quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2015

New invention: Diary of questions :D

Yuuup! Now I had the idea of doing a diary of questions... I am into a new philosophy of life that is more important to ask question rather than have answers for everything and having the very old opinion formed about everything.
There I start with the questions I just sent during a global Affairs topic of religion (but wasn't answered sadly)

29/09/2015 Question for global affairs tomorrow:

For the christian representant:

Once I heard about the notion of separating state from religion. Personally I found it very logic, because is stupid to impose your own religious perspective for people who do not believe on that. For example, when we come to gay marriage, even if we are not allowing people with the same sex marry, we still can't assure that person go to the heaven. Because christianity is about the salvation throught Jesus and not about the imposition of the religous law or about doing ''nice things'', or not doing certain things. Also, isn't too optimistic to think if everyone would be christian -considering our sinner nature- the world suddenly wouldn't have no problems anymore? But I also come across the idea even the humanism and the notion towards the pos-modernism is a new kind of religion.
1)So, could we actually consider the human rights a religion which is so diffused to all around the world as a new kind of salvation, being understood as the ''gospel of human rights''? In another words: can christianity and human-rights coexist ideologically and do not anulate each other?
2)And when we see in the bible we will be persecuted because our faith, by what reason, where do you imagine this persecution come from? I was wondering with myself, and maybe it one of the most difficult questions I have as a christian... Does the persecution would come from the idea of oposing to same-sex marriage; or poli-love; or sex with animals; being against abortion; being against divorce etc.(basiclly all the universe of things which are contrary of the common sense understanding of the bible) and so one? 
3)If not, what is the reasoning of christian persecution in a contemporary life?

Coming to another subject:
4) Many christians do not support any root of marxist ideology because Marx preached the existence of an atheistic State. Do you think that is reasonable? Why?
5) How about the notion of individual freedom: do you agree -since christianity is based on the principle of each person answering for their own sins and facing their consequences- it means christianity is much more related with libertarian ideology? If yes or no, why?
6) How do you connect christianity as a way to colonize and oppress colonies in the historical imperialist past? How do you think bible was used to manipulate the faith of people to take advantage?

7) Do you agree the interpretation of Genesis would be literal or would be actually a metaphor to understand more deeply the God character? How do you perceive it?
8) Before the Jesus, how people were condemned to hell or heaven? (obs: I am asking even before the 10 commandments come)
9) Do we choose God or does God choose us?

For while that was my questions...
I hope for answers 😊


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