quarta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2015

Wednesday CAS Reflection; Theatre; Anthro 28/10/2015 Highlights of the day

CAS Reflection
I finally worked in the other class with the seeds. I am super excited for the workshop we will do soon (by the way: I love how ambitious and professional is the woman who is working with us -Rebeca is her name- she has high standards of work). Felt homesick to see the cutie little children and remember my brother. I noticing I have potential difficulties to say the things I want to in German, but I can understand quite well. I notice different behaviors in children when they were doing the plantation: some loved to touch the sand while others hated it so badly. Kindergarten is a good place to observe how human beings are.

Theatre Class
Based on Basti Monologue... Personal thought walking towards: Ethics X instinct
Which is linked with Anthro Class...
 When we talked about:
Meaning of life... Ethics X Instincts

What to do when the gosh of your public image come back to disturb you? What should we do them?
How to be free of the old chains?

I loved Anthro class today. I could get all the logico-meaningfull and logico-structural aspects of functionalism way of thinking. But, besides I understand it, I loved the end. When we randomly discussed about meaning of life.
I loved when Mihir was honest enough to say: ''I wouldn't like to have migrants here in Germany. Why should I give a shit for it? My instincts drive me to think I have no business with this people. Nevertheless, I can't just think in terms of my own instincts. I also hold ethics''. I have no doubts about his ethics towards it.
Suddenly I realize there is a real world. A real world with people honestly enough to do not be a ''model direct linked with their moral standards''. They are not recruited to be part of the Chuck Norris army. He talked without demagogy. ''I don't like this people coming here''. He said it without feel bad or socially coerced to tell his natural feelings and instincts.
I am kind trained to feel bad about my sins and about my nature and do not really relay in instincts. As a Christian, I learn how to hold my moral values and not run away for my instincts. The fight between the flesh and the spirit.
Therefore, when I see this political correct people I cannot avoid thinking the political correctness is just another kind of religion.
However, for that I would have to admit (without fell guilt) religion is also a way of totalitarianism. Even in the ways I personally assume Christianity, because I believe in a divine moral standard is better than my own. ''His justice is better than mine'' as we would quote the bible.
But I would come with the reasoning which is quite unreasonable saying: ''I don't know why is His moral better than my own, but I am not smart enough to reach the complete God’s knowledge, so I am will relay in the order of moral things and events as the bible describe without argue''.

I really thought God as the guy who would be playing around with me. However, my empirical experience made me believe He is besides everything else, a loving God. In addition, having a relationship (that is how I describe my spiritual experience: I hate the term religion) I can figure how He is loving. That is what drives me to believe blindly in his morality. I can reason in His morality because I believe He is a loving God, but I can't reason how loving He is because it is based on my personal experience.

But coming back to political correctness:

Or am I saying political correctness is a religion just because it is totalitarian?

When we will be free without the pressure of having the mind colonized by the imperialism of certain values, being them from Religion or even from Political Correctness?
When will we stop to use the power of guilt to coerce people and convince them? Can we even believe in the power of coercion?
If I do not  believe in a ''guilt system'' as a way of converting someone, how can I be Christian?


Coming back to what I learn from this last 5 philosophical minutes (please, do that more often, Mihir!). 

I wonder in which extend can we consider our instincts ''pure of ethics'' ? Since I born in a context with certain patterns of behaviors immerse in a certain mentality. Can I actually separate in the reality Ethic and Instinct when I see the whole picture?


My theatre class also made me pretty thoughtful in two senses:

1) In the play we are preparing: how do I link Ethics and Instinct based on the piece of writing Basti and me wrote. Once both talk mainly about an uncontrollable desire. How do we address an ethical reflection to the audience?

2) About the individual exploration we were working on I figure out how important is to think about Rape. The essay Katarina send to us is mostly talking about how there is so much shades of rape and in so many cases they are assisted in a very insensitive way by the court, claiming for medical exams confirming for example. 
There is no such a thing as white and black every time.
In which extend can something be a rape?
Just physical or also emotional violation?
The borders are not exactly delimited.

It makes me connect with something, which is happening in Brazil right now. Apparently there is a new law towards the SUS (that is the public system of wealth) restricting even more the consults by women in case of sexual violence. The laws towards abortion are clearly more restrict now. (Abortion is allowed in Brazil in cases of rape). 
But what can we call rape? Wasn't a sexual violence what the media have doing with women so far?
Me and two guys were today in the lunch were discussing how they though was unfair the fact they would love to be touched for a women in a party but how would be a scandal if a a boy do that with a girl.

How about the oppression of women always being objectified and being the means of consumption for male in pornography magazines? Even tough we have the male people naked and so one, women are portrayed as the strong sex while the women are always trying to please the other sex.

Oh well... How long have being our society raping and defrauding women conscience?

Another Facebook publication that made me quite reflexive:

One coment about the third play I found very powerfull:
Celine:'' about how the audience is in the front and need to watch static without take any action. It is very scary but most scary is to think it happens in real life but no one take action''




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