quinta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2015

''Everywhere in the world under conditions of economic stress "race" prejudice has become a powerful weapon with which minority groups have been beaten. Physical and cultural differences are seized upon and made the basis for group antagonism and discrimination. Trivial things, such as differences in manners, polish, social backgrounds, religious beliefs, and so forth, which if sympathetically understood would be points of interest and value, become the bases of distrust. Just as a child runs to its mother as a familiar refuge when in difficulties, so most of us run to our own group when we feel insecure, and we fancy that anyone not of our own group is a bogeyman and the cause of all our troubles. In a democracy there should be no place for such childish conduct; nor should there be for the conditions which give rise to it, namely, improper education and economic insecurity. We can remedy these conditions. We can improve education and social and economic conditions so that all men may share in them equally. The power lies within our own hands; let us then use it. We are the result of the mixing of many different ethnic groups; every one of us is a much-mixed alloy, having all the added strength and qualities which the alloy possesses as compared with the unalloyed metal. Let us use that strength for "RACE" AND DEMOCRACY 243 the common good. Yes, so that the many may become truly one.

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