segunda-feira, 3 de agosto de 2015

God time - Good time 03/08/2015

I am about to come back to Germany. I have exactly 16 days. I am happy about everything I had learned during this time here on Brazil. I am very, extremely gratefull for encountered Neemias and all his friends. How much I have learned about politics, what just make me tough how much I still need to know. I am secretely gratefull not just because they increase my knowledge, but because they increase my hunger for God as well. One of the higtest points of my vacations was when me and Neemias saw my old blog and my old, when I was 15 year old and I was so fullfilled by God. It was so great to reaturn for the time when I was so conected to God. He makes me think about future. About what is my priorities for the future, what makes me reflect upon why I wanted to apply to USA. Refreshed on my mind the purposes of marriage. I am so gratefull for everything I had learned with him. I was very blessed and I ask God to bless him so much as well. I will miss all of this...God, just you know, since I was as UWC, I always wanted a group of male friends (because boys are honest and sincere) and because I did not fit with the profile ''girl''. And God gave me even more... A group of male friends, christians and which like politics. More then I could have asked by myself. I will definitly miss all of it. <3
They are so insipiring for me. They know the bible very well, since the beggining to the end. And even more, make me reflect about what is going on in the society right now using biblical glasses. I love it! I really do. I relay on them, because they are not fundamentalist christians, but because they use the critical mind to build their concepts of the world.
I am personally still doing my own way. And the way we do while we are walking. I migth be very confuse right now. I heard a lot and keep reading and hearding from others. And I still remember the first preach I watched from Pastor Ilquias (Oh my godness, I still don't know how to write his name!) and he was talking exctly about Salomon and how he tryieds to please the world but not please God.
He had the accpetance of everyone, but he unpleases God. And since then, even tought I fell like intelectually horizonts I am kind of far away of God, as I have noticed in the group ''social and biblical debates'' on facebook, because I am still in process to know better the ideologies and what is behind each politcs. I have, God, in front of you, the sincere desire to follow you, your way. If somehow I follow some ideology which is more popular, which has more status quo, I do not want to do that because of acceptance of others. I would follow something for your seek even tought it takes me away of popularity and so one. My mind can be confuse, my mind can have a lack of knowledge, but I want with my whole heart remain faitfull and constant at your ways.
You are my greatest treasure ever.
Today I read something which touched me absurdly. We are goind bad not because we want wrong things, but because we want in a very little great things. I would even add to that: we want so much small things. Our soul is full of whims. The happiness in spiritual life and the joy this world can offer is proportional to a enjoying a real banquet and looking at a painting of one. The greatest joy ever is be pleased about God. Because that joy changes our nature. That joy raises us to a new level of morality. That joy transform us and make us conected with the most beautifull person we ever had. Jesus.

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